Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rites of the Black Moon review

"There are those times when one runs across a rare band that still upholds the traditions of what this music is supposed to be about."

A new review of The Echo of Emptiness by the Rites of the Black Moon webzine is out! Read it here: Echo of Emptiness 

Thanks for the support!


Finished mixing and revealing of title...

On the 17th of February, coincidentally the day that the hermetic philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the Vatican in the year 1600 and the day a certain Quorthon was born in 1966, we finished the mixing of our upcoming full length album. We are really pleased with the result and yet another successful collaboration with Erik. The sound became exactly as raw and bombastic as we wanted it and we feel we´ve created a real blast! We are now working on the coverart and plan the upcoming release with Katia at Nigredo Records.

In this context we would also like to reveal the title of the new album which will read:

Between the Eternities

On the night of Walpurga a new song will be out on youtube, so keep your ears open!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nigredo Records

The website of Nigredo Records has just been updated. Check it out HERE and support the underground!